Choose your reptile:
It is important to mature your purchase before, and especially to have all the necessary equipment before or when buying the animal. A poorly maintained animal will be sick, and this can lead to its death quite quickly.
The animal size:
Indeed, the size depends more often than not on the space available in the corner of the living room or in a room that it is ready to offer.
It is false to believe that a reptile kept in captivity in a small space will not grow. When the animal receives the right breeding conditions and adequate food, it will grow to its adult size and in some cases, as in the snake, its entire life.
Most pet stores only sell young specimens. It is therefore important to do your research on adult sizes before buying a reptile, otherwise you might have a big surprise a few months later.
When buying a snake or lizard, or even a turtle, the size is decisive as to the choice of the desired species. Not all pythons and boas are giants. It is therefore very important to choose an animal whose space and good breeding conditions specific to the species can be provided throughout its life. The purchase of an animal should never be taken lightly, especially when dealing with a reptile.
Reptile’s behaviour:
The purchase of a first reptile for a beginner must, obviously, be done according to its less aggressive character and easy handling. Several species, although very interesting to keep in captivity, may have a more nervous character. Generally these species are not re- commended to start in terrariophilia for a beginner is more likely to make basic mistakes. Some species can be so aggressive that simply changing the water bowl is a challenge. The aggressiveness combined with an animal of an imposing size such as a monitor, is at risk for an inexperienced person. It is not impossible to maintain one as the first reptile, but only if we are well informed.
The power supply:
The type of diet often depends on the final choice when buying the first reptile. Tender
hearts will generally prefer a small vegetarian lizard, such as uromastix, rather than a snake that feeds on whole rodents; mouse, rat or rabbit once in adulthood.
Some lizards are almost exclusively insectivorous. So you have to be able to give them live insects every week. A more adventurous person will have no problem making his own breeding of crickets, worms or cockroaches. Others, however, prefer to buy them directly
from a pet store or a private breeder. Pay attention to the cost of your reptile, because a baby mouse does not cost the same as a big rat, and the numbers go up quickly.
The maintenance:
Keeping a reptile in captivity is of course not without maintenance. Like any other pet,
these animals also require certain care that must be respected. Although most require
much less cleaning time than a dog, cat or bird, it is important to make regular water changes.
Excrements must also be removed daily and the substrate changed regularly to prevent bacterial growth.
Daily spraying is essential for species living in a tropical environment, while a very high temperature is important for desert species. In the event that the amateur herpetologist cannot provide adequate conditions for keeping a reptile in captivity, he simply must not buy the animal.
The purchase of a reptile should never be made on a whim. It is important to do a lot of research to find the reptile that best suits you in terms of food, maintenance and beha- viour.
Some species are also fragile. They are therefore easily at risk of becoming ill. Others fast for a lo g time and can be difficult eaters, so be careful to know everything when buying a