
Reptiles are wild and protected animals. There is a special legislation around them, in order to protect them, whether at the global, European or even at French level. Here, you can find main pieces of legislation on the non-domestic animals involved.


All over the world, we have the Washington Convention that protects endangered species by controlling their trade and transport. This is called the CITES Convention, and when importing an animal, to prove his legal origin, a CITES number must be given to the buyer (if not born in captivity).

Farm animals are in Appendix 2, they can be exported if there is a CITES number on the purchase invoices. This Annex is transcribed in European Regulation EC 338/97, that is to say that Annexes 1 of CITES are in Annex A of the European Regulation, 2 is equivalent to B for example. However, a reptile from the European Union can circulate with a simple attestation, CITES is not mandatory. The European legislation EC 338/97 is therefore a transposition of the CITES.

Laws in France and all around the world:

You can possess a reptile, even protected animals, depending on where you live. The legislation depends on your country, your state (for example if you live in the Us), your local area or even your city.

Here, in France, we have a text called « the environment code », to preserve biodiversity. We can possess legaly 40 reptiles maximum listed in Annex 2 Cites. If we want species from Annex 1, we need to we have to go through training class and ask for authorization from the veterinary services. If we don’t have this document called « CDC » (Certifcate of Capacity for non domestic species), we can have a fine or even go to prison.

We also have a new law, (10/08/2018), and we have to go to the vet and put a puce inside our reptiles. We can’t sell reptiles without this. A paper, with all the species specifcity must be given to the buyer. You can find this in our website. 

We also have a law to protect French endemic species.

All over Europe, countries want to adopt this type of legislation, in order to regulate illegal trade.

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